Parachute #349 31.01.2023

Poster : Gilbert Schneider
1 – Mtbrd – Just Visiting – Cold Busted – 2022
t : Just Visiting
2 – Øyvind Brandtsegg – Persistent Disequilibrium – Cronica – 2022
t : Counter Cathectic
3 – VA – Serendip Lab Festival 2022 – Serendip lab – 2022
t : Uriel Barthélémi – Crush 3
4 – VA – Utopia compilation – Elan vital – 2021
Whalthisney – Gone
5 – Miniatura – Geometría Prohibida – Discrepant – 2021
t : Hipnosis
6 – Gurun gurun – Uzu Oto – Buh records – 2022
t : Komorebi
7 – Jean Derome – Rose Drummond – Tour de bras records – 2022
t : Physical Potatoe
8 – VA – Fragility of sounds – Ventil records – 2022
t : Elaine Mitchener – Owner’s Manual Version 1
9 – Fabio R. Lattuca – 111122 A – Stochastic resonance – 2023
t : Apnea
10 – .at/on – Українська – Adventurous music – 2022
t : Мрія
11 – Be The Hammer & JOHN 3:16 – Swarm – Industrial complexx records – 2022
t : Surrogate
12 – Azzurro 80 – Vol.3 – 2021
t : Astrotensione