parachute #126 – Fev 2016

prcht#126w1 – Keda – Hwal – Parenthèses records – 2015
T : La Lune de Corée
2 – Column One – Cindy, Loraine & Hank – Zoharum –  2015
T : Reverend Bl
3 – Mo – va When suddenly the ground shakes …the blackbirds in coming out – Comfortzonemusic  – 2015
T : Icetrain
4 – Bluereed -va When suddenly the ground shakes …the blackbirds in coming out – Comfortzonemusic  – 2015
T : Le Havre
5 – Tim Iserman – va Classwar Karaoke – 0031 Survey – 2015
T : Here comes the white phosphorus
6 – Lugi and Antonio Russolo – va Anthology of noise #1- Sub Rosa – 2002
T : corale
7 – Joel Stern – va Framework500 – Framework radio – 2015
T : Follow that ice-cream truck (java)
8 – Les Neiges Noires de Laponie  – va Serendip Lab Festival 2015 – Serendip – 2015
T :   Kosmos Colony